Oct 2nd Update - Your account has been linked to a different device

Hi there,

The Android update from Oct 2nd 2019 seems to have broken device binding, probably when it was trying to implement some of the PSD2 requirements for device binding.

Wednesday evening, I can check my balance (I was at Lidl) no problem. Thursday morning, I download the update, and next thing „Your account has been linked to a different device“, even though it’s the same device.

There’s no obvious way around this, other than contacting support. Fine, it’s a bug, and it’ll get fixed.

Much more serious is the publishing of a major update on the evening of a public holiday in Germany. Why? If the update has the potential to fail, then release it on a Monday or Tuesday. Tuesday morning is a great time for a release, as it’s one of the lowest days of customer traffic (in payments), and you can support the first wave of calls while everyone is still in the office.

There is a thing called a „change freeze“, and you generally freeze updates and change before major holidays (Christmas), shopping periods (Black Thursday/Singles Day), and when your support might be a bit thin on the ground (bank holiday long weekends).

I assume at this point that the App is now broken until at least Monday next. I’m disappointed.


  • Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Dual SIM, SM-N950F, Android 9, N950FXXS7DSHA. One German, one Irish SIM card installed.

(Edit to clarify which Galaxy Note model).

1 „Gefällt mir“

Es gab gestern kein Update. Das letzte Update ist vom 12.09.2019…

I’m not sure - this is the update that was pushed to my phone early this morning.

Specific details of the update are here…

OK, dann hast du keine Beta-Version installiert. Bei der Public Version weiß ich es nicht, aber Beta-Updates gab es wie gesagt zuletzt am 12.09.19 und da funktioniert - zumindest bei mir - alles wunderbar. :slight_smile:

I’m not doing the beta program. This is the standard public version as you say, and I’m pretty sure device binding was somehow broken in an attempt to make it better.

I’m more annoyed by the release date (eve of a bank holiday) than by the bug itself.

(Writing in English as you don’t need to suffer my terrible written German :slight_smile: )

Yes, could be possible that the public version has some bugs as I don’t know what was changed exactly.

And the bank holiday is today (Oktober 3rd). You might have yesterday (October 2nd). And the update process does need it’s time to be verified by Google and so on. :wink:

Hi @aidanic!

Thanks for telling us about that bug. I’m sorry the last update renders your App unusable, that should not happen, you’re right. We’ll try to fix this as soon as possible! And you might be able to help us with that.
The last time you closed the App, did you use the logout Button in the settings or did you just close the App? Thank you for your help!

Best, Peter

1 „Gefällt mir“

I probably pressed “home” (yesterday evening), rather than logged out. Maybe a bit later I might have “closed” the App using the ||| button beside the home button on the main screen.

Just a reminder, I’m weird as I use a dual SIM phone, and if you’re using some IEMI content in the device fingerprint, my phone has two values, and maybe you’re picking the other value now.

2 „Gefällt mir“

Thanks for the quick response! We don’t use your IMEI but good thinking :muscle:
Okay, we’ll look into it and I’ll tell you here as soon as there’s any news.

@aidanic could you please do one more thing? Could you try to login again, go back from the “there’s already a different device bound” screen to the login screen and long press the tomorrow logo (It’ll let you send us send you some logs from your device via email) and send it to manuel@tomorrow.one? That would help us a lot!

Selbes problem. War normal angemeldet aber seit dem Update bin ich wieder im Login screen und kann mich nicht einloggen weil es ein anderes Gerät ist und der Support per Chat meldet sich auch nach 3 Stunden Wartezeit nicht

Hi @hupey,

könntest du mir auch bitte kurz deine Logs schicken, wie ich oben beschrieben habe? Das würde uns wirklich helfen.

Hab ich gemacht. Könnt ihr mir noch nen Link zur Android Beta von der Tmrw App schicken? Wenn ich eh schon ausgeloggt bin könnte ich ja direkt Mal darauf wechseln um zu sehen was ihr da so treibt

@hupey hab sie bekommen, vielen Dank! Klar, wir können dich eintragen. Magst du mir dafür die E-Mail Adresse schicken, mit der du im PlayStore angemeldet bist?

@Peter ist die selbe Mail mit der ich den Log gesendet habe

Ich bin auch betroffen. Logs habe ich euch bereits gesendet

1 „Gefällt mir“

@peter that email was sent about 20 minutes ago. Let me know if you need anything else.

(edit) from the wrong email address, but it’s the right data.

@aidanic can you please try the following: on login screen click on “change account” enter your full credentials (email and password) again and login again?
@hupey @Hartmut Könnt ihr bitte Folgendes versuchen: Klickt auf dem login screen auf “Konto wechseln” und gebt eure Zugangsdaten noch einmal ein und versucht euch einzuloggen.

Yes, got it. thank you :slight_smile: