Online zahlen mit iDeal

Liebes Tomorrow-Team,
Ich lebe in den Niederlanden ubd werde auch zukünftig viel dort und in Belgien leben bzw berufsbedingt sein.
In den BeNeLux Staaten ist iDeal omnipräsent, wenn es um Onlinezahlungen geht. Es nicht zu haben ist oft mit Umständen verbunden.
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit das Tomorrow-Konto auch mit iDeal anzubieten? Ich würde mich sehr freuen und es würde einen Wechsel sehr viel attraktiver machen!
An die Community:
Gibt es noch mehr Menschen, denen es so geht bzw. Die auch schon mal mit iDeal bezahlen wollten oder sollten?
Beste Grüße,

1 „Gefällt mir“

Hallo @Lukhi,

wie alle Zahlungsmethoden ist das vermutlich eher etwas, das bei der Solarisbank landen muss. Da vergleichbare Systeme (beispielsweise Giropay) aber aktuell auch kein Thema sind, befürchte ich, dass das nicht besonders weit oben auf der Prioritätenliste landen wird, sofern es keinen gewaltigen Bedarf dafür gibt.

Falls es hier im Forum Leute gibt, die iDEAL nutzen, können die sich natürlich gerne zu Wort melden :slightly_smiling_face:

Revolut bietet iDeal an, aber in DE macht es nicht viel Sinn.

Hello, I just opened an account with Tomorrow with an excitement because I was looking for an online banking that has a great focus on the sustainability with great UXI in mobile app. And now finding that I cannot use Tomorrow with iDeal. In the Netherlands, some of the auto payment is only possible with banks that are available via iDeal. This means I still need to keep using my old bank account. (Yes, I also live in the Netherlands.)
I understand that this sounds like a niche market for your digital product right now, but by connecting with iDeal, I think there’s a big potential for Tomorrow to be one of the biggest European online banking product. When my experience was good, I wanted to introduce this product to my community of friends who are very into the sustainability topic.
So now although I chose „Change,“ I’m considering to stop using Tomorrow entirely… Although I really don’t want to end up using one of those banks as they do not satisfy my needs mentioned in the beginning of this comment.
So it would be very much appreciated if you could consider this!

A warm welcome to you @Sakosuke and thanks for posting on the iDeal topic. I am not an expert on iDeal, and others will probably know in much more detail, but it sounds to me like iDeal is using the PSD2 interface of the banks it cooperates with, much like Klarna is doing. If that is true it is actually iDeal that would have to onboard Solarisbank by onboarding the Solarisbank API to connect to the bank accounts. If iDeal is making its own deals with the banks in the Netherlands (and outside) then of course there would have to be some kind of deal with our partner Solarisbank.

Hi Vincent,
I don’t know the details, but you can find the documentation for how you can apply to become iDeal partner at iDeal’s website.

How can I help with this matter so that Solarisbank would consider making the agreement with iDeal?

@Sakosuke If this is a question of Solarisbank becoming a partner and making a deal with iDeal I think we’ll have to wait it out. There’s a couple of reasons why:

  1. As far as I am aware right now, Solarisbank have not yet officially been authorized (passported or located to) the Dutch market.
  2. A solution implemented just for one partner (e.g. Tomorrow) does not usually mean they will get to it right away. Obviously they are also looking to develop features that will serve multiple partners in various ways.

Between these two reasons I think it is unlikely for the moment they would go down that path. That being said, I will have a look at how iDeal works. But maybe @tinu or @Frnk already know and can give us the quick intro?

Sorry, I don’t know iDeal at all. In fact, I heard of it here for the first time.

You can think of iDeal as the Dutch equivalent to Paydirekt. Both the customer (payee) and merchant benefits are very comparable.

1 „Gefällt mir“

I don’t know how much users Tomorrow wants to gain in the coming months and years, but if they would like to obtain more users from Netherlands, partnering with iDeal is a must for Tomorrow.
At this moment, I don’t have lots of influence over Tomorrow’s decision, but hope that Tomorrow will realise this soon so that I can to come back as a user of Tomorrow (and possibly more users from Dutch market).

1 „Gefällt mir“