Bots / interessante Accounts im Forum


mir sind die letzten Tage viele neue Accounts hier im Forum aufgefallen, die

  • Auffällig alle am selben Tag / in den letzten Tagen erstellt wurden
  • Viele neue Threads eröffnen (an einem Tag)
  • Sich in diesen Threads, wie in Chats untereinander unterhalten (mehrere Dutzend Posts innerhalb eines Tages)
  • Viel in Richtung Tomorrow schießen (fühlt sich an wie auf Twitter, Drohungen das Konto zu schließen und besonders nette Formulierungen verwenden)
  • Alles Kleinschreibung, keine Sätze bilden

Natürlich kann man hier von einem Zufall sprechen, es ist aber definitiv sehr auffällig.

Was tut ihr aktiv gegen Spam? Ja es ist ein Forum und jeder hat seine Freiheiten, es sollte aber bitte nicht so sein, dass Spam Überhand nimmt.

Bitte denkt an die „echten“ Nutzer und natürlich auch an Euch.

2 „Gefällt mir“

Discourse (die Software, die dieses Forum nutzt) hat einige Mechanismen zur Spamabwehr, die ich selber nicht im vollen Umfang genau beschreiben kann, weil ich mich damit nicht näher auseinander gesetzt habe. Fakt ist aber, dass in der Vergangenheit mehrere Accounts vom System gemeldet wurden, die einen Spam-Verdacht ausgelöst haben. Deshalb ging ich davon aus, dass diese Methode funktioniert.

Die schnellste Art, gegen Spammer vorzugehen, ist, Beiträge zu melden. Accounts mit niedrigem Trust Level werden bei häufigen Beitragsmeldungen daran gehindert, weiterhin zu posten, beispielsweise mithilfe von „cooldown“-Phasen (maximal X Posts in Y Minuten) oder mit Moderationszwang, sodass man keinen Beitrag mehr ohne Freigabe durch die Moderation schreiben kann - so habe ich das zumindest in Erinnerung.

3 „Gefällt mir“

Hier nochmal Beispiele zu Threads, wo es auffällig ist.

Sehr viel angestaute Wut von immer wieder den selben Accounts, wovon einige mit Kündigung, Anwälten und ähnlichem drohen. Viele davon in den letzten 3 Tagen erstellt und mit hoher Postrate.

Vielleicht hat auch jemand Spaß gleichzeitig in unterschiedliche Rollen zu schlüpfen (gibt es bestimmt eigene communities woanders).

Die meisten Probleme sind aber eher für den Kundenservice und nicht die Masse bestimmt.

2 „Gefällt mir“

Danke für deine Einschätzung!

Da muss ich jetzt mal angreifen, ich glaube eher, dass du das Problem bist.

Du markierst Threads und beschuldigst Leute, dass Sie rum spammen. Klasse!
Hattest wohl Langeweile in deiner Freizeit und dabei nicht bemerkt, dass ich garantiert kein Bot oder Spammer bin.

Ich bitte dich dies zu unterlassen, Andere hier mit falschen Verdächtigungen zu beschuldigen, sonst ziehe ich meine Joker Karte und das wird für dich Konsequenzen haben! :wink:

Im übrigens ist das hier ein Forum wo man sich gerne gegenseitig Hilft, mit deinem Thread machst du mich eher ziemlich sauer!!!

2 „Gefällt mir“

@Elvis ich glaube Du hast mich hier missverstanden. Die links zeigen auf den Thread und sollen nicht auf die Leute zeigen (das war ein Zufall und unbeabsichtigt, korrigiere ich gerne).

Ich bin da komplett bei Dir, ein Forum ist zum helfen da und das soll auch so sein.

Was mich an den betroffenen Threads stört, ist der offensichtlich aggressive Umgang miteinander, der sich merklich in seiner Intensität von anderen negativen Threads und Posts aus der Vergangenheit unterscheidet.

Klar kann man seinen Unmut äußern, wenn aber regelmäßig mit Anwälten und dergleichen gedroht wird, ist da irgendwas faul (mein Eindruck).

Und nein, mir war nicht langweilig, es ist mir in den letzten Tagen aufgefallen, weil ich das Forum gerne ab und an besuche. Wenn sich das hier zu einer überwiegend negativen / hate community entwickelt, dann werde ich das Forum nicht mehr nutzen. Es ist meine freie Wahl ob ich mich in meiner Freizeit so etwas aussetze oder nicht.

Ich lese hier im Forum seid sehr langer Zeit schon mit und habe viele zum Teil berechtigte Kritiken zum Produkt und Threads mit Problemen und fragen, die mehrere Menschen betreffen könnten gelesen. Die „gemeldeten“ Threads sind aus meiner Sicht fast ausnahmslos ein Fall für den Kundenservice (ich glaube die Community kann hier gar nicht helfen, außer auf den Kundenservice zu verweisen).

PS: ich habe bis jetzt keine einzige Person gemeldet, es ging mir nur um awareness für ein eventuell generelles Problem. Ich wollte wissen, wie hier mit Spam umgegangen wird.

2 „Gefällt mir“

Wieder ein neuer Thread mit neuem User in grottenschlechtem Deutsch zu einem Thema, zu dem es schon mehrere bestehende Threads gibt…
so langsam glaube ich auch, dass das kein Zufall ist, sondern ne Schmierenkampagne…

4 „Gefällt mir“

Ebenso Thread „Kontakt Tomorrow-Bank“ …

2 „Gefällt mir“

Definitiv Spam, es ist echt traurig. Was ist das Ziel dieser Kampagne? Auch schade, dass Leute die eigentlich nur helfen wollen hierdrauf ihr Zeit verschwenden …

1 „Gefällt mir“

Allright maybe i respond to this one in English to avoid being marked as a troll with a „grotesque“ German (apologies for trying to respond to a thread in a language that’s not mine). I am a customer at Tomorrow Bank since mid-2021, and only just created my community account because I was looking for answers on the complete unavailability of support (automatic message on the phone saying „it may be strange but believe us it’s much better to use chat so noone is here on the phone“, automatic reply on the chat saying „no humans here right now, use the support email“ and automatic reply from the email saying „thanks for your email but this will take a long time, if it is urgent at all, please use the chat instead“).

There may be some form of botting happening here, but I can at least tell you that the latest „Kontakt Tomorrow-Bank“ post is at least something that i completely recognized myself in, which is why I replied there rather than creating a new one. To avoid spamming.

Seeing you good people just brush it off as some kind of unfounded smear campain is a little disheartening to be honnest.

I don’t hate anybody despite this specific issue causing me much trouble currently (it’s an incoming wire transfer that hasn’t arrived after 5 working days), There is just clearly either an issue with how things are operated, or at least communicated (having a urgent issue and being told to use chat for more efficiency and then that chat is not available is just not a great way to be transparent about the support delays to your customers, that’s all) :slight_smile:

I’ll refrain from any form of criticism in the future to make sure this stays a place where enthusiasts can share good ideas for the plateform :wink:

3 „Gefällt mir“

Sorry to having bothered you, although you indeed just seem to be someone seeking for help.

I guess the situation, that a lot of people over here need to reach out via messaging-board to get support they usually don’t / can’t get is probably a symptom of issues with the customer support.

As far as I read it is a common problem around neobanks, who are short in personell and support for clients is an issue.

Again don’t get me wrong, probably mentioning specific situations / threads here directly was a mistake. We should have discussed spam in a more general way. Sorry for that everybody!

2 „Gefällt mir“

All good buddy, I also understand that you don’t want this place turning into a whining-circle where every post is some new user coming to cry about their issue.

And agreed, I suspect that most of the efforts are concentrated on engineering for a cool plateform and marketing for customer acquisition, which are done really well I would say. It does stay important for us to mention that reactive customer support is important for customer retention as well.

Like I said, all good, I’ll try my luck again with customer support today and stop whining overall :smiley:

2 „Gefällt mir“

Well, don’t be discouraged by a (fairly limited) number of people. There’s a reason there hasn’t been heavy moderation - I don’t personally think we have a huge problem here in the forum.

Please don’t, quite the contrary. If you have something to say, please, say it.

I think the main problem right now is a confluence of issues:

  1. It’s a fact that there’s problems with the way certain card transactions were handled by Solaris recently. This is causing overdrafts in accounts that usually don’t allow overdrafts, and people are rightfully annoyed by that. Add to this that Tomorrow can’t fix it themselves, Solaris has to. That’s not great for communication. And while we’re on communication:
  2. Support has been notoriously busy over the past months. That has to do with turnover, and with the job market itself (it’s an applicant’s market, which means that everybody is looking for people and everybody is short-staffed right now), and, of course, the fact that according to government sources, more than 11% of people in Germany have some kind of respitory infection. That’s absolutely nuts, and people are seeing this everywhere - daycares closing or shortening their hours, classes being dismissed early at school, my own team at work (no, I don’t work for tomorrow) hasn’t been fully (digitally) present for about a month, trains and buses aren’t running the way they should, trash isn’t being collected on schedule, and even my own (usually pretty healthy) offspring have spent more time at home sick alone in the past month than (almost) the cumulated entire rest of their lives.

So I get it, it’s bumpy right now, and none of my explanations are helpful when it comes to dealing with the plain and simple fact that something isn’t working with your banking. But maybe some perspective will help everyone (not just directing this at you) at least understand that people aren’t trying to make life difficult for everyone else.

Right now, things are just tough. And that sucks. But everyone can be sure that Tomorrow isn’t trying to be difficult or disinterested here. All I can recommend to people is try, try, try.

Thanks for trying in German in the first place, and thanks for making the effort to spell it out for us in English afterwards.

3 „Gefällt mir“

Hey thank you for taking the time!

Both of those points are perfectly understandable, although they do reveal a limitation of Tomorrow as a banking operation: total reliance on Solaris processes and infrastructure makes it difficult or impossible to properly adress customer issues despite all their good will.

I’d add a third factor that unfortunately for me adds up to the trinity of bad timing: I am currently in the process of switching from using Tomorrow as a secondary plateform purely for income receiving, daily usage and transfers with my partner via a shared account (in those instances I don’t ever see an issue rising, instant transfers, great app, appealing, clear, etc.); to having this account be the central and only piece of my banking needs, including savings management, larger and more frequent transfers, connection to my broker, etc. And in this case the reliance on currently struggling Solaris processes might turn out to be too big of an issue, but now is not the time or place.

But anyways, the perspective was indeeed much needed and your clarification, even on points we should all be aware of, helps a lot.

Well you definitely could! :smiley:

1 „Gefällt mir“

Happy to help when I can :slight_smile:

No, I don’t think I’d be a good fit overall. Helping out with community management is plenty of extracurricular contact with banking topics :smile:

This, of course, also factors in here. I wouldn’t be surprised if the holiday season itself is also factoring into it, with more cases needing clarification everywhere (suspicious activity, bounced payments, etc.). The list probably staggering.

Yeah, sometimes it helps to just articulate something, even if it’s obvious.

Fingers crossed for a quick solution on your side :slight_smile: and welcome (permanently) to Germany!

1 „Gefällt mir“

I am still skeptical about this reliance problem. True, yes, Tomorrow does rely on Solaris. But having some insights into Sparkasse and Unicredit, I know there’s also dependance on specific teams, sometimes third parties within the group. A local Sparkasse branch cannot solve internet banking or app problems, they rely on their IT supplier Finanzinformatik. And when Unicredit puts an account under review for money laundering, a dedicated department handles this and a support agent cannot resolve the situation. 24/7 is good for peace of mind, but it doesn’t always solve problems. I was a customer of Unicredit for a long time, they did provide phone support on weekends, but more often than not they just referred my cases to other teams that weren’t available outside office hours and I had to wait until Tuesday to get things done.

Traditional banks not relying that much on call centers do still have a customer service advantage. But I believe it’s not about 24/7 availability or banking as a service setups. People working in bank branches are better trained. They have usually greater competences to decide things like allowed overdraft. They can help with relatively easy things like raising the limit for a debit card. But when facing more restrictive measures like AML reviews, their competences end. They can help you go through a process, but they can’t speed it up.

I’ve read reviews regarding cases like attachments and AML involving various fintechs on Trusted reviews and Trustpilot. Customers complain about very similar things. Fintechs with banking licenses don’t have better ratings on those platforms. There’s no indication that controlling the banking license enables better support, somehow magically. I believe it is mainly about better trained and more people. Support agents aren’t Bankfachwirte.

1 „Gefällt mir“

This is a fair point, although in this specific case, the main issue is being completely unable to even look into the situation. Of course I have had some relatively similar issues in the past with my previous bank in Germany (at Commerzbank), and of course the frustration of being transferred from service to service exists, maybe even more than with a smaller less fragmented structure.

I did however always have the benefit of being able to get information about the current status of a money transfer, at least being able to proactively gather and send document proof if needed to clear it according to AML policies. The main pain point right now is being left in the dark until most likely the same resolution is expected, with an extra week of delay until we can begin to take action.

But yes, no wizardry expected on the support team side in any case, and no point in crying over spilled milk at this point.

There are instances like certain AML checks where any bank is legally obliged not to disclose the reason for an investigation. Their only possible response is basically that they’re looking into it. Finger‘s crossed it‘s going to be resolved soon.

Update: the funds have cleared. This is an enourmous relief. I’ll contact support to see if my ticket can be closed so I don’t take up more of their time.

Thanks to everyone for the valuable information shared.

5 „Gefällt mir“

Thanks for the update, and congrats on some peace of mind :slight_smile:

1 „Gefällt mir“